Electives, Widening our breadth & depth (currently being redeveloped due to COVID protocols)
Electives help to integrate, expand, and apply children's skills and knowledge. They are an opportunity to explore subjects that students and teachers have an in-depth interest in. Multi-age electives are also an opportunity for students to interact with different age groups, broadening their social skills and enhancing their sense of community. Electives change monthly and take place during the last hour of the school day, from 2:30-3:30.
Spanish is one of our permanent electives that is offered year round. Students have Spanish twice during the school year.
What have some of our past elective classes been?
They have really covered a broad range of subjects! These have included classes like music, drama, dance, shadow puppets, cooking, crafts, mindfulness, indoor and outdoor sports and games, and in-depth explorations of high interest subjects such as owls, myths, presidents, and cartooning. They also include classes that teach strategy (chess), handcrafts like needlework, or sewing, and classes that develop physical skills like Yoga, hula hooping or jumping rope.